We Love Plants.
Always Have.
Always Will.
The Chattooga Garden Team

Jodie Zahner
Co-owner Jodie Zahner earned a Masters degree in horticulture from Clemson University, where she and Jeff met. She is a member emerita of the Laurel Garden Club and designed the rain garden this group created at the Highlands Performing Arts Center. She designed our garden that took “Best of Show” at the 2004 Southeast Flower Show. In the winter she can be found in The Bascom ceramic studio creating vases for her arrangements. Ms Zahner loves to garden, sing, dance and make music. She lives to be creative.

Jeff Zahner
Co-owner and manager Jeff Zahner also has a degree in horticulture from Clemson. He is well known for his encyclopedic knowledge of plant materials, particularly natives. He enjoys propagating the rare Oconee Bells (Shortia galacifolia) and growing plants. Jeff is the vice president of the Highlands-Cashiers Land Trust, and the field trip coordinator for the Cullowhee Native Plant Conference. He supports the Highlands Biological Station through the donation of wildflowers he has propagated for their annual native plant auction.

The Chattooga Garden Family
It takes a lot of people to run a garden center! Chattooga Gardens is grateful to all the people who make it possible. Mozelle Edwards has worked for us for over 20 years providing expert knowledge on annuals and perennials. She is an esteemed member of the Mountain Garden Club. Patty Hardin keeps us straight in the office and also works on the floor keeping it tidy and tending to customers. Nathan Price will help you with trees and shrubs. Shelby Wilson is our unfailingly polite and accurate clerk that also keeps our flowers beautiful and happy, along with her Man Patrick who runs to and fro for us all, always willing to help. Troy Allen works hard getting plants off of trucks and into your car. Jeff’s mom Glenda makes it a family affair. She is passionate about native plants and will be happy to answer any questions in this department.

Oconee Bells
Truly rare plants that are special to this region grown right here at Chattooga Gardens.
Your patronage of Chattooga Gardens also helps support our garden and growing area in Highlands, on land which has been in the Zahner family since the 1930’s. Our ridge top garden at 4,000 feet elevation is a great place to determine if a plant is truly hardy here!.
We are named Chattooga Gardens because we are located on the headwaters of the Chattooga River. We proudly support The Chattooga Conservancy’s efforts to protect the wild and scenic beauty of the Chattooga River.